
Full duplex SDR transceiver for Raspberry Pi

Installing and using SDR++ with SXceiver

This guide assumes you have followed the getting started guide and installed the SoapySX module already.

Compile SDR++

Run the following commands. You can usually copy paste the whole thing into command line:

sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libglfw3-dev libglew-dev libfftw3-dev libvolk2-dev librtaudio-dev libzstd-dev

git clone ""
cd SDRPlusPlus

# SDR++ has unfortunately deprecated SoapySDR support,
# so checkout the last commit before deprecation:
git checkout e118598f5763d29862cc3ff143e23a36868bffe4

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. \

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Compiling SDR++ needs a large amount of memory. make may fail if your Raspberry Pi has less than 2 GB of RAM. If you have 4 GB of RAM, you can make it compile faster by doing make -j2 instead of just make. With 8 GB, make -j4 might work.

Configure SDR++ for SXceiver

Start SDR++ by typing sdrpp on command line. Find the "Source" settings near upper left corner of the main window. Choose "SoapySDR" from the first drop-down menu and "sx" from the second one. Your settings should now look similar to this:

Source: SoapySDR, sx

Click the play button above the source settings to start reception.

Using SDR++ server

If you prefer to keep your Raspberry Pi headless and use it remotely from another computer, you might like to use the SDR++ server feature. On your Raspberry Pi, start the server from command line:

sdrpp -s

Now you can connect to the server from another computer. Install SDR++ on your other computer and configure it like this:

Source: SDR++ Server, Source [REMOTE]: SoapySDR, sx